Inspire - Empower - Create

The Tribal Development Program has Three Strategic Goals.
TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT | “Kwa Kweeti” Program
Kwa Kweeti is a S’Klallam phrase, when translated means, “To go on a journey together.”
Noo-Kayet Investment’s Tribal Development Program has developed the Kwa Kweeti Program, which focuses on the employment, entrepreneurship, and advancement of participating Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Members, by facilitating access to the following opportunities. Qualified participants receive specialized support and resources tailored to their career goals and developmental needs by improving career readiness through education, training, and mentorship programs. The Tribal Development Program is a two-fold program that will assist participants who are interested in developing a successful career through employment or participants who are interested in becoming a successful small business owner.
Education & Training
The following resources are accessible to active Tribal Development Program participants:
Trade Schools
The Tribal Development Program will work in collaboration with Kitsap Business Association, in an effort to enhance the skills and knowledge of participants interested in trades such as; welding, plumbing, electrical, painting, automotive, construction, etc., through targeted training programs, workshops, and educational opportunities aligned with their interests and career aspirations.
Business Certificate
Tribal Development Program participants seeking a career in the Casino Operations Industry will have access to the, Foster School of Business program through the University of Washington, which provides participants with a variety of gaming management skills such as; Food & Beverage, Cage, and Gaming (Video & Table games).
The following resources will be accessible to Tribal Development Program participants seeking to further their career and gain upward mobility in the workplace.
Employment Readiness
Employment Readiness is a program that will improve the participant’s employability by providing them with courses in;
- Employment Application Completion Skills
- Cover Letter & Resume Writing Techniques
- Interview Attire & Etiquette
Job Fairs
The Tribal Development Program works in collaboration with local colleges and businesses throughout Kitsap County, to ensure participants have access to the most up-to-date employment opportunities in the area.
Work Experience
Work Experience is a temporary assignment that encourages participants to develop good work habits and basic skills, which promotes employability.
Advancement & Upward Mobility
Advancement & Upward Mobility is intended to support the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe’s Indian Preference goals by providing Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Members with opportunities to take advantage of job training/mentorship opportunities that could potentially lead to future placement in positions of leadership and authority in Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal organizations. In addition, this area of focus supports the mission of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe to protect Tribal sovereignty, to ensure self-determination, and promote self-sufficiency.
Tribal Development Program participants currently employed within the economic arm of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe who are interested in moving up within the organization are able to build a career mapping guide to reach their Upward Mobility goals in a strategic way that will benefit both the participant and the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe.
Career Mapping Guide
Participants interested in Advancement & Upward Mobility will schedule a one-on-one meeting with a Tribal Development Program team member to build a Career Mapping Guide. The Career Mapping Guide is a timeline that will lay out the specific education, training, and/or apprenticeship hours needed in order to successfully obtain the position in which the participant is interested in. During the one-on-one meeting the Tribal Development Program team member will help the participant assess their current skill set, work experience, and education. The assessment plays a key role in determining the amount of time the participant will need to invest and steps they will need to take in order to successfully move forward with the career path they have chosen. Once the assessment phase is complete, the participant and Tribal Development Program team member will determine what the next steps will be in order to attain the Advancement & Upward Mobility goal.
Partner Businesses
The Tribal Development Program partners with local businesses throughout Kitsap County to assist with staffing needs.
Youth Employment Program
Tribal Youth Worker Program
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal youth ages 16-17, who are enrolled Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Members or descendants of an enrolled Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Member are eligible to participate in the Tribal Youth Worker Program. The Tribal Development Program does this by employing specific positions that do not require the sale of alcohol or tobacco, or require work on the gaming floor or involve duties with dangerous machinery.
Summer Youth Employment Program
The Summer Youth Employment Program is an area where the Tribal Development Program works in collaboration with the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe’s Career & Education Department to provide Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Member youth ages 14-17 with an opportunity to gain work experience during summer break in order to prepare them for the responsibility of the working world. This program provides them with employment ethics and building on their employability by providing them the ability to gain skills through on-the-job work experience.
Small Business Entrepreneurs
Tribal Development Program participants who are interested in starting a small business will have the opportunity to develop a business plan, register their business with the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe by filing for their LLC Resolution and/or with Washington State by filing for a business license, all with the assistance and guidance of the Tribal Development Program team.
As a participant in the entrepreneurship side of the Tribal Development Program, participants will have access to the following:
Literacy Courses
- Financial
- Credit
- Business Planning
- Network & Marketing
- Data Analysis
Small Business Loans
The Tribal Development Program has developed a close working relationship with local CDFI Lending Institutes, such as, Northwest Native Development Fund (NNDF) and Pacific NW Lending (PNWL) who are familiar with Coastal Salish tribal communities and their income sources, this familiarity proves to be very beneficial when developing a loan that best suits the entrepreneurs needs.
Participant Eligibility & Application
Becoming a Participant of the Tribal Development Program
The goal of the Tribal Development Program Manager is to, establish a clear and systematic procedure for the onboarding of Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Members as participants into the Tribal Development Program and to ensure their subsequent registration in the Tribal Development Program database.
The Tribal Development Program focuses on the upliftment and development of enrolled members of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe. Selected participants receive specialized support and resources tailored to their developmental needs. Below are detailed steps for Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Members to become participants and the procedure to be registered in the Tribal Development Program database.
Eligibility: Potential participants must be enrolled members of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, which will be verified through tribal enrollment or treaty identification/documentation.
To become a Tribal Development Program participant you must…
- Be an enrolled member or descendant of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe;
- Be a resident of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Reservation.
Registration: Interested parties must complete the enrollment form found here, Tribal Development Program Intake Form
Request an Application Form
Interested Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Members can contact the Tribal Development Program Manager via email (, phone (Office: 360-655-5492 or Cell: 360-633-6150), or in-person (The Point Casino Admin Building, 7989 NE Salish Ln, Kingston WA 98346) to request a participant application form. Or, go online here: Tribal Development Program Intake Form
Submit Completed Application
Complete (Kwa Kweeti) application/form with all relevant details. Submit it along with proof of Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal membership to the Tribal Development Program Manager by email, in person at the Tribal Development Program Office, or by completing the online form.
Application Receipt & Review
Application Receipt
The Tribal Development Program Manager acknowledges the receipt of the application by email.
Review Process
The Tribal Development Program evaluates the application to confirm the applicant’s Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Membership and determine the potential fit within the Tribal Development Program.
Onboarding Approved Participants
Official Participant Approval
Once the participant is officially approved a formal agreement will be signed, by the interested parties, that outlines the terms of engagement, services offered, and mutual responsibilities.
The new participant will undergoe an orientation session to acquaint them with the Tribal Development Program, it’s team members, and available program resources.
Assigning a Participant Manager
Every participant will be assigned a dedicated participant manager who will be their primary point of contact throughout their participation in the Tribal Development Program.
Database Registration
Collect Required Data
The Tribal Development Program Manager gathers all essential data from the participant for database registration.
Database Entry
The participant manager, or a designated database operator, inputs the participant’s details into the Tribal Development Program database, ensuring data accuracy and completion.
Database Confirmation
Once the participant’s details are entered into the database, a confirmation message is sent to the participant verifying their successful registration into the Tribal Development Program.
Ongoing Support & Periodic Review
Regular Updates
The participant manager maintains consistent communication with the participant, updating them on program developments, and providing necessary support.
Review Meetings
Periodic review meetings will be scheduled to evaluate progress and to address any participant concerns.
The Tribal Development Program is dedicated to empowering enrolled members of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe. Through this structured onboarding and database registration process, the Tribal Development Program ensures consistent and practical support for all its participants, guiding them toward their developmental goals.